OU MBA Results 2025 @ www.osmania.ac.in: Good news for the candidates who have appeared in Masters in Business Administration –[M.B.A] [1st/2nd/3rd/4th semester] Regular/Back CBCS Examination conducted by Osmania university [O.U].
Latest Update: OU MBA Results 2025 For CBCS Sem III & I Regular, Sem II & VI Backlog & For March Released. All students can check it directly by following the below-given details.
As the University has finally released the results of M.B.A first/second/third/fourth semester on the official website of the University that is @ [www.osmania.ac.in]. The board is all set to declare the OU MBA II-Semester Result 2025 at the given portal today along with OU MBA 3rd Sem Result 2025. Aspirants who are pursuing the PG (postgraduation) can access the result online by providing the university roll number and other information. Those who are searching for the OU MBA Regular/Supplementary Result 2025 are coming to the right place. Here we are giving the direct link which leads to the official result page and students can conveniently check their respective semester MBA result online.
OU MBA Results 2025 Details
The Organization/ University Name | Osmania University (OU) |
Course (Exam Conducted For) | Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
Semester/ Year | First/Second/Third/Fourth Sem (2nd/ 1st Year) |
Academic Year | 2024-2025 |
Category | Result/ Marksheet |
Status of Result | Released |
Supply Exam Schedule | Notified Now |
Reval Application Form | Coming Soon |
Official Web Address | www.osmania.ac.in |
How To Check OU MBA Exam Results 2025?
- Open [www.osmania.ac.in] in his/ her web browser as it is the official website for all concerns regarding the university.
- Now Go to the results section which will be on the left side of the screen.
- Then click on the results section then an additional window with many course results will pop up on the screen.
- Now search for the heading which states- M.B.A- 2nd sem results for 2025 examination.
- Then click on the particular link and enter your details like the Hall ticket number and Date of Birth.
- Now click on the Submit option and download the pdf you marksheet.
- Save and take a print of the same for future references. However, the university will issue the original copy of PU MBA 3rd Sem Marksheet 2025 soon. You need to collect from the university/ college.
That’s all your results will be shown on the screen, it is advisable to take a print out of the results for future use.
OU MBA 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sem Result 2025 @ osmania.ac.in
Recently the Osmania University has accomplished the OU PG Exam. A huge number of aspirants have given the MBA Exam Semester Wise. Now it is obvious that he/ she is looking for the Result of OU MBA 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sem Examination. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will get the original copy of the OU MBA 2nd Sem Marksheet 2025 with a month from the university. To know the process of getting the OU Result of MBA 4th Sem Exam, please follow the article below.
Click me to see the portal of OU and get the mba result directly. (Declared)
About University:
Osmania University is also known as O.U was established in the year 1918, It is the seventh oldest and largest university in our Country, and also it is the third-oldest university in the whole of South India and the First university in the princely region of Hyderabad. The Inception of Osmania University symbolizes a regeneration in the whole Indian Educational System and has shown and drawn a remarkable Flexibility throughout its endurance. The Osmania University is an autonomous institution created by an act of the legislature and the Major part of financial assistance is from the State Government. The university holds the leadership for Higher Education of the Government of Telangana and It has played a key role in initiating, planning, and implementing of various development programmes in the state.
Also Check, OU Degree Results 2025
Osmania PG Supplementary Exam Schedule 2025
The Supplementary/ Compartmental Exam organizes for the candidates who failed to secure the passing marks in any subject. By the OU MBA Supply Exam 2025, they can clear the old/ main exams backlogs in the same academic year. Once the examination result is declared on the official website aspirants who fail in any paper can file the OU PG Supplementary Application Form 2025 along with the exam fee. It will be available online/ offline. After the confirmation of dates, we will intimate here as soon as possible. Applicants for the same will get the separate hall ticket to appear in the exam. So kindly keep it safe without that, the board will not allow for writing the exam. Stay tuned to know about the Supplementary Result of OU MBA 4th Sem 2025.
Registration For OU MBA Revaluation Result 2025
Aspirants who are not getting the expected marks or are not satisfied with the obtained marks in any paper can apply for the Osmania Univ PG Reval Process. under this method, students who apply will get the answer script to rechecking/ re-correction. If any mistake is found can be rectified by the concerned body and the updated OU MBA Revaluation Marks 2025 will be released on the official website. This will be conducted under several provisions which are as follows:
Provision For Re-Checking:
- Re-Correction as per the Principles of valuation for only those answers which are Un-valued. The value will be allotted on that and marks will be given.
- The authority shall be confirmed whether marks for all answers are posted or not.
- Re-totalling or Re-Calculation of Marks of the subject applied for
www.osmania.ac.in MBA Exam Result 2025 Date FAQ
When Osmania University MBA Sem 1 Exam Result 2025 Released?
Today released.
How To know OU MBA Sem IV exam Result 2025?
The officials of Osmania University which conducted MBA exams in August will release the result @ www.osmania.ac.in.
Is OU MBA Sem 2 Result 2025 Released?
It is released now.
What to do if I Fail In OU MBA 3rd Sem Exam Result 2025?
You can attend supplementary exams or if you are confident then apply for revaluation.
Sir entire 1st week over still the results are not declared yet even though the university told us the result of mba 4th semester are going to be declared in 1st week of September sir when it will going to be announced we are eagerly waiting for the results sir plz declare
Sir when will be there MBA 4 th stemster will result release
Sir exact date for declaration of results which was held in the month of July and August of mba when it going to be declared plz give exact date
Sir since exams are going on of August 2021 at that im hearing the results are going to be announced in one week when it will going to be declared exact date plz informed sir we r eagerly waiting for the results
Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about one year waste men’s nothing is there plz try to understand every person ou
Plz reply me
In one week …they r taking so many days

Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about one year waste means nothing is there
Plz reply me
Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about one year one year means nothing is there
Plz reply me
Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about ou
Plz reply me
Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about ou
Plz reply me
Sir do not fail two subject plz pass the revolution and age is not a limited period so the result MBA cbcs 2018 it’s clear you can think about
Plz reply me
Sir do not fail two subjects MBA cbcs why because it’s very important for every person plz clear to revolution maximum age in between 50 to 55 year limited period.
Sir I am fail two subjects MBA cbcs 0.5 rules pass to .5 rules
Sir I am fail two subjects MBA cbcs 0.5 rules to pass the subjects
When will be the result of ou m.com 1’st sem 2018
when was the 3rd sem results
When we can apply for revaluation for second sem, plz inform me…
Can anyone tell mei day when is only 2 send revaluation date
Admin mail me any OU related updates please. TY
thanks u too
When will come o u 2 sem revaluation date…
i want to know schedule for sem 3 exams?
0/0/0 00:00:00 GMT +0:0 prepare well =)
No not all, i dont need i have passed.
Yippe got our results
Awesome! So now you need supply exam date? Right? ?
Reason behind delayed in results is the controller of examination is changed
Papers are corrected but without controller signature the result will not be declare n bcz of controller changed it will take time to declare results
So have some patience
One of my sir made a call to controller
N they inform that the result will be in this week only
R u sure Samir, From where did u get this information? Because i have info that expected results in last week of November.
One of my sir made a call to controller
N they inform that the result will be in this week only
If you google sem 2 ou 2016 results. You will find 17 Nov is the day results declared.
Also ayza posted something interesting below, though I don’t believe it hehehe
Good luck everyone. We are close. Results can be declared any moment
We had written our exams in 2017 not 2016
I know LOL
Just giving example to get some clue.
Anyway results are out! If you see the date on ou results site, it says 12-11-2017. So ye they got delayed.
Hi! Sameer ru completes ur mba rite…..and ur waiting ur result…..inshallah u don’t worry dr…..Allah ap ku zaroor kamyab karega (Ameen Summa Ameen)
Relax everyone! results will come on or before 17 nov!!))
Its been more than 3 months now we have written our exams.please kindly update status of results.
Can anyone help me providing ou controller contact details to ask for the delay in getting results.
Controller of Examinations
Source: Official OU website >contact
What the hell its been more than 3months and the results are not yet declared?? jntu results are declared one month back itself
OU is simply testing patience, what is this?no rules no regulation? is this the way of working OU? No schedule?
Agreed with Sneha
They are testing the patience of students
So slow service
Ou should have to declare result soon
If any student have backlog so they will start preparing for backlog from now onwards
what is the problem of OU we dont unerstand atleast there must b some information when we can expect our results, its irritating. what is this? daily checking
Exactly feeling irritate
3 months completed but still no result declared
How much time they will take to declare result
Plz update the date of 2nd sem result soonest..
Its already more than 3months when is our results???
Please everyone is eagerly waiting for sem 2 results, kindly please update
Please announce the 2nd sem results date..
HI sir ou mba 2nd sem results dates plese announce
Hi sir
When MBA 2nd sem results are going to be declared it almost delayed by 2 months. Please let us know the correct date.
hi the result of ou will announce in the date of 3/11/2017 2sem of mba so all the best for all buddies
MBA 2nd sem result till now not declared , as you mentioned in the date as on 03/11/2017, but OU not announced the result, Can i know the reason..
Where it has mentioned?
Can u say me plz. .
On which website? ?
All dear friends..I called to ou examination controller…he said results will take 1 week more…
Keep waiting and wishing you best of luck for best results ?
When will you mba 2sem result announce please tell the exact date of result
Hi sir MBA results announced for 2 Sem plz let us know……??????
Hi sir MBA results announced for 2 Sen 2017 plz let us Know….
When Vl b the results announced for MBA 2ND sem 2017 plz let us know..
When is o.u going to b released the results. It will b better .if o.u inform the exact date of results..
Hi Sir,
Since, it was nearly two month’s by completing the examination. Request you to let us all know a proper date and details which will be help full to us.
When ou is going to release the 2 sem result …I don’t know why they will make delay every time…hope to expect the result in this week…your alacritous response will be much appreciated.
What is the exact date of 2nd semester results if anyone knows
Tandur….sir what will be the Approximately date and week when it will be realised exactly
Date of result do anyone knows??
Can you please tell me the MBA 2nd sem results when will be announced?
It will take some more days to release 2nd sem mba ou result 2017
I know it will be released soon but what will be the approximate date or week ??
What is the date for results??
ou mba result for 2nd sem will be released soon
Sir ,when u will released .The 2 sem results plz infrom some dates thank you.