OU Degree Supplementary Result 2023, OU Oct/Nov BA 2nd Sem Supply Result 2023, www.osmania.ac.in Degree Supply Result 2023, OU B.Sc Compartmental Result, 3rd Year OU Degree B.Com Supply Result 2023.
Osmania University (OU) has successfully conducted the B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com supplementary odd sem exams in the month of Nov/Dec 2018. A huge number of aspirants attended the supply exam. Many of the contenders are waiting for the OU BA B.Sc B.Com Supply Results.
Latest Update: Osmania University has successfully conducted the ou degree supply exam and in few days it will release supply result with ou degree result 2023.
The university planned to release the OU Degree Supply Result 2023 in the month of Feb 2023. The publishing date of the result intimated in our web portal. The contenders can use the below steps to download the Osmania UG Supply Exam Result 2023. All the aspirants must download the Osmania UG Supply Marksheet to know the candidate is qualified for the exams or not.
If students failed to get minimum qualifying marks in any one of the subjects, they should be considered as a failed candidate. After releasing date of the result contenders can check the OU Degree Supplementary Result 2023, Supply & Revaluation form details below.
OU Degree Supplementary Result 2023
Osmania University established in the year 1918 by the Mahbub Ali Khan – Nawab Sarwar Jung. It is located at Hyderabad & it is the first Indian university. Osmania University offers a different type of courses like B.A, B.Com, M.Com, MCA, B.SC, B.B.A, B.C.A, B.S.W, B.F.A, M.S.W, M.B.A, M.Li.Sc, M.Ed, M.P.Ed, M.Pharm, M.C.J, M.F.C, M.E, M. Tech, L.L.M & others. It offers the distance education facilities for the convenience of students. This is one of the largest universities in Telangana. The candidates interested to join Osmania University will get the admission applications in the month of February/ March. This university conducts entrance examination for some courses admissions. The OU Degree Admission Prospectus releases in the month of March every year.
The Osmania University conducts the degree annual exams once in a year. But, From last 2 years university used to conduct the semester exams. The university conducted the supply 2023 exam in the month of October/November. Every year a large number of students appeared for the Osmania University supply examinations. The aspirants may get a clear idea about OU Supply Result 2023 by following the article below.
OU Degree Supplementary Result 2023 Nov-Dec
University name | Osmania University (OU) |
Courses | B.A, B.Com & B.Sc |
OU Degree Time Table 2023 | Will Be Released Soon |
OU UG Supply Nov-Dec Result Released Date | Released Soon |
Article Category | OU Degree Supplementary Result 2023 |
Official Website | www.osmania.ac.in |
- OU Degree B.Sc (BVOC) Supply Result 2023
- OU BSC Supply Result 2023
- OU BCOM (CDE) Supply Result 2023
- OU BBA CDE Sep Supply Result 2023
- OU BCOM (VOC) Supply Result 2023
- OU BCOM {Hons} Sep Supply Result 2018
- OU BCOM Supply Result 2023
- OU BBA Reg Supply Result 2023
- OU Degree BA Supply Result 2023
- OU Degree BA {VOC} Supply Result 2023
- OU Degree BA CDE Supply Result 2023
How To Check OU Degree Supply Result 2023?
The Osmania University regularly conducts the degree examinations in the months of Nov/Dec & April/ May. The contenders appeared for the OU Degree Supply Exams Nov/Dec can check the result on the official site. The OU Degree Result 2023 released on the website in the month of February. The contenders failed in the previous exams are appeared for the supplementary exams. The supplementary is the process of re-attending/ re-appearing for the exams. The candidates need to pay examination fees to register & get the hall ticket for the supply exams. After releasing of the result students can follow the below steps to download the supply exam result from the official site.
- First of all, visit the official website.
- On the homepage search for the examination results option.
- Move your cursor on the results option and press ok.
- Different results name and links appear on the screen.
- Search and click ok on the UG (B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com) result of Regular/ Backlog 2023.
- Now different courses names will are shown on the monitor.
- Select your course name & press ok.
- Type your hall ticket number & check your results.
- At last, take a print copy for future use.
Click Here to Download OU Degree/ UG Supplementary Exam Result 2023
OU B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com Revaluation Form 2023
The supply regular/backlog results declared after one month of the exam completion. The contenders who have failed in the supply exams, they can put for the recorrection/recounting after one week of released results. Passed students and failed contenders can apply for the re-valuation. The re-evaluation is the process of the re-correction/ recounting the answer sheet. The contenders need to pay fees to apply to the re-evaluation process. The University will give a limited period of time to students for applying for the re-valuation. The aspirants check the last date of submission of revaluation fees on the official website. Visit the official website to know more information about the re-valuation process & other details.
Dates of OU Degree Revaluation Result 2023
The OU Degree Supply Revaluation Results declared after one month of the releasing of supplementary exam results. The university will release re-counting results in the form of pdf or an in link process. If the results declared in the form of pdf form or in a link. Visit the official website to check how to download the results of re-valuation by using the registration number, date of birth & name. The candidates may fail in the re-evaluation process, they will reapply for the supply examinations to get qualified for the exam. For more information contenders can stay in touch with our web portal.
Can anyone plzz inform me about the ou Bsc Oct/Nov results.when the results will be declared
Jan/Feb Result declared.
When will ou Bsc Oct/Nov supply results will be declared.can anyone plz inform me
if you get infrmtion pls infom me also
Plz sir ….release supply 2018 bsc results…as soon as possible
Hello sir when was the revaluation date of degree …
Sir evaluation date chapendhi sir
mounika neku telusthey
naa mail I’d ki msg pettu
Plzz it’s humble request
January & February – 2019
hahaha nvu thiop kakaa…..
Hello ikkada 4th week osmania univ bsc supply results 2018 ani chepindi yavaru
Plzz don’t release result I have not written exam well
Declare it after February
Because in January I have to fly kites(6 days) as we have sankratri.
If I fail my father will not allow me to fly kites and enjoy.and in February I have cricket tournament so I have to play in the tournament.if OU want to declare result then pass everyone or fail everyone otherwise release it after February…
Its an humble request
Ou student live thoti adukuntundhi exam eamo 2month vuntadhi inka result ivvadaniki 2 month appatiki student pranalu galiki pothai. Cha…..
Plz sir ou degree 1st year supplementary results 2018 date chepandi
Osmania University Degree Supply Result Date not released officially. Its planned to release the result by next week.
Thank you so much Osmania university, I got good marks & now I’m graduate, next I wanna continue my further studies, please bless me like this only, 1ce again thanking you a ton ?
Apudu supply result 2018 of ou degree date chepandi Iam wetting
wait some date to release ou degree supplementary result of oct-nov 2017
Releasing Date of Result for OU Degree Supply Exams Nov 2017 not yet released. We are expected to release by next week.
Ok sir we are eagerly waiting for a supply result of ou degree 2017-18 plzzz release next week I have to do a post graduation ?????
Apudu date chepandi sir
When will ou Bsc supply Oct/Nov results will be declared